[Last Day for Early Bird] Your Inner Child, IRL 👑

Hello! Happy Sunday.

​Today is the last day to enroll in the Healing the Inner Child program at the early bird rate. ​

If working with your inner child intrigues you then check out more info here or message me to see if it's the right fit for you.

Today, I want to answer another one of the wonderful questions that came in about inner child work:

How do you make inner child work a part of your healing toolkit?

This such a good question because the reality is, how does working with your inner child actually help you in your real life (IRL!)

How does it help you in practical ways?

Well the healing work you do with your inner child releases energy and creates subtle shifts in your life that really effect your everyday experience. Things might feel lighter, easier, more easeful and peaceful, which in turn means that you have more energy available to do the things you really care about or see the best in the people that you love.

That's already a big piece. Healing work liberates more energy for your health & vitality.

But more specifically, I talk and connect with my inner child all the time!

I like to imagine she is around when I'm playing with my son or laughing and having fun with a friend, I know these things nourish her. I also console her when I'm feeling triggered or uncomfortable.

When I drive in the car by myself and listen to music, I like to imagine her there with me, bopping along side of me.

Which all might sound strange but it's actually part of me caring for the deep wound within me that felt like I missed parts of my childhood -- where my innocence was taken from me a little too soon. The parts that wanted to be in more fun and play.

Inner child work is a healing practice that I've woven into the fabric of my life. Its fun, it feels good and its empowering.

I'll give you one particular example, my husband and I got in a little argument a couple weeks back. We were both feeling stress about a mold issue we were having at the house. Quite frankly we were both just upset that our child and incoming baby had been exposed to mold and overwhelmed by the issue at hand. So we weren't coming together in a united force because we were hurting separately.

I was feeling saddened and disconnected by the interaction and I decided to check in with my inner child. She brought me right back to a memory of a birthday, that I don't actually have cognitive memory of, when I was two or three years old.

The scene was that my parents were tense from planning and orchestrating the party. We were serving cake and I could feel their tension. My grandparents were there and there was tension between them as well. I got the message and imprint that relationships hold tension, especially when in stress.

I immediately got the prescription or vision of my husband and i holding hands facing one another, eyes closed and connecting back as support for one another instead of creating distance. What we actually wanted was connection.

I suggested it and my husband was on board. It was sweet, healing, heart-opening and relaxing. Then we moved forward together on tackling the mold issue.

When you sign up for the inner child program, you'll have the meditations for a lifetime so in a tense moment you can revisit them! Or you can practice calling on your inner child anytime because the more you call on them, the easier they will be to access and provide you support.

Hope these stories support you in some way!

I would be delighted to have you in the program if this speaks to you. We start in a week!

The cost is $447 until 9pm tonight and then goes up to $497 next week.

​Sign up here. ​

Have a beautiful Sunday!


💜 Jessica

Follow me on Instagram or Facebook​

P.S. When you sign up for my in-depth 1:1 Radiant Mama coaching program you receive this course and The Well Nourished Woman course as part of the package. That gives you one month of free sessions! Schedule a call with me to chat more.

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